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About project

Realization od E-TOPIC, the world opening with electricity.

Education Center of Korea Electric Association

Cradle of nurturing competent electricians!

Designated as an educational institute of electric technicians by KEPCO for complete construction of electric power facilities, improvement of electric quality, stability of supply and demand of a competent electric workforce, and prevention of electric accidents , the association has founded its attached education center for electric power technology education in 1995.

The education center has operated 3 courses including transmission, transformation beginning with training a workforce in electric distribution.

The education center is a leader in training the sincere electric technicians with the practical skills required at the front-line field through systemic theories and hands-on training by the competent instructors with experience over 20 years.


Training electrical technicians for electric contractors
and making contribution to improving electric quailty
regarding plants, design, and safety


The Education center effectively realizes the empowerment
of capacities for human resources in the electric industry.

Strategies and detailed initiatives

  • Selective concentration of
    educational functions

    Re-equipment of educational functions at the association level

    Strengthen the organization and workforce of the training center

    Establishing a plan to streamline education operations

  • Site-optimized educational improvement

    a regular meeting of educational demand surveys

    Development of programs by job and skill

    Evaluation and monitoring of educational outcomes

  • Continuous excavation
    of new businesses

    Developing a plan to promote the rental project

    Diversification of educational programs and methods